1. Public offer agreement.
In accordance with this Agreement, one party, the Seller, on the one hand, and any person who has accepted the terms of this Public Offer Agreement - the Buyer, on the other hand, hereinafter collectively referred to as the Parties, have entered into this Public Agreement. An offer agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) addressed to an unlimited number of persons, which is an official public offer of the Seller, to conclude an agreement with the Buyers for making a deposit of services, the cards of which are posted in the relevant section of the Site
... Sellers intending to sell services through the Website
a Buyers, purchasing services, images of which are posted on the relevant pages of the site, accept the terms of this Agreement as follows.
GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The contractual relationship between the Seller and the Buyer is formalized in the form of a Public Offer Agreement. Go to the website page https://marketpro.agency. in the corresponding section of the button "Fix a place" means that the Buyer, regardless of the status (individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur), in accordance with applicable international law, has assumed the fulfillment of the terms of the Public Offer Agreement, which are listed below. 1.2. The public offer agreement is public. By fully agreeing to this Agreement, the Buyer accepts the conditions and procedure for placing an order, payment and delivery of goods by the Seller, responsibility for an unfair Order and for non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 1.3. This Agreement enters into force from the moment you click the "Reserve a seat" button, with the help of which the Buyer agrees to purchase the service available from the Seller, and is valid until the Buyer receives the service from the Seller and makes full payment with him. 1.4. Regulate the contractual relationship under the Agreement 1.5. Responsible person - Pavlishin Sergey Semenovich.
TERMS AND DEFINITIONS "Public Offer Agreement" is a public agreement, a sample of which is posted on the Website https://marketpro.agency. and the use of which is mandatory for all Sellers, containing the Seller's offer to purchase a service, the image of which is posted on the Website https://marketpro.agency, addressed to an indefinite number of persons, including the Buyers. "Acceptance" - acceptance by the Buyer of the seller's offer to purchase a service, the image of which is posted on the Website https://marketpro.agency, by adding it to the virtual cart and sending the Order. "Service" - an item of trade (floating or massage service), the purchase of which is posted on the Website https://marketpro.agency by the seller. "Buyer" - any capable individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur, in accordance with the current international and Ukrainian legislation, who has visited the Site https://marketpro.agency and intends to purchase this or that service. "Seller" - any capable individual, legal entity, individual entrepreneur in accordance with applicable international law, who owns or distributes the service and intends to sell it through the Website https://marketpro.agency. "Order" - properly executed and posted on the Site https://marketpro.agency. Buyer's application for the purchase of services addressed to the seller "Legislation" - the norms established by international law to regulate contractual legal relations under the Agreement.
SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 3.1. The Seller undertakes, on the terms and in the manner determined by this Agreement, to sell the service based on the Order placed by the Buyer on the corresponding page of the Website https://marketpro.agency. The Buyer undertakes, on the terms and in the manner determined by this Agreement, to buy the service and pay for it with money 3.2. The Seller and the Buyer confirm that this Agreement is not a fictitious or fictitious transaction or a transaction made under the influence of pressure or deception. 3.3. The Seller confirms that he has all the necessary permissions to conduct economic activities that regulate the scope of legal relations arising and operating in the process of executing this Agreement, and also guarantees that he has the right to provide the service without any restrictions and undertakes to be liable in case of violation of the Buyer's rights in the process of executing this Agreement and providing the service.
RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE SELLER 4.1. The seller is obliged:
comply with the terms of this Agreement
fulfill orders of the Buyer in case of receipt of payment from the Buyer;
provide the Buyer with a service in accordance with the selected sample on the corresponding page of the Site https://marketpro.agency, the order made and the terms of this Agreement;
The seller has the right:
unilaterally suspend the provision of services under this Agreement if the Buyer violates the terms of this Agreement
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