Web Marketing for business

We use digital solutions, which bring in clients and increase income. We not only make it look attractive, we help to sell your products.

Open video

We are a digital agency, that will make your business well-known and increase sales

Each person in the team is a result-oriented professional in their field. Our team-lead is sure: teamwork multiplies results 10 times, because we set the goal and know how to achieve it.
The main value of Market Pro team is time. We provide business owners with this resource by doing our work. While business grows and brings results – you spend time with your family, grow, travel and get inspired for new ideas.
200 000 $

of marketing budget

Successful projects
30 years

Total experience of design professionals
200 000 $

of marketing budget

Successful projects
30 years

Total experience of design professionals
In order to be effective we cooperate only with the clients who share our values
We are honest with ourselves, each other and our clients
The seventh day of the week is for God
We comply with agreements, because we value and respect your and our time
We comply with agreements, because we value and respect your and our time
Our services
Different kinds of design, embodiment of the most extraordinary ideas for you


A few variants of logo for your brand

Logo creation

Creating and management of social network profiles, their promotion in order to make your company recognizable and make a profit; setting up targeted advertising


Advertising in social networks, which attracts potential clients who want to buy a product or a servise

Targeted advertising

Development of a landing page or a turnkey multi-page website with high conversion on the Tilda platform

Website development

We have our own cryptocurrency exchange Atomars, listing sale

Cryptocurrency projects promotion

Site development and promotion in a Google search, aimed at making and increasing a profit


Ads with a particular offer of a product/service shown by a client’s Google request

Google ADS

Would you like to get a price?
Just answer a few questions and we will calculate the cost of your project specifically
Our cases
Budget per month: $+ 9400
Number of leads: 4000 +
Price for the lead : $ 2.35

ROMI: 200%
Amazon online course
Black cumin Alhadaya
Budget per month: $ 8000
Time of cooperation: 7,5 months
Price for the lead : $ 1.3

Conversion: 40%
Cost of goods: $ 184 000
Furniture sales
Budget per month: $ 260
Coverage: 42 136 people
Price for the lead : $2,7
Conversion: 12%
Cost of goods: $ 4277
Instagram visual
How we work
Primary analyses of your business
Set the goal and strive for it
Fill in the brief
Calculate budget for a month
Calculate the price of services
Set up work plan for a month
Maybe, we have just one offer left for you
Every month we take only 5 new clients to give them the maximum result.

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